Water Bugs is an action game for those who love action games. It is developed by Retro64 Inc. a well known games developer company. This action game is full of fun. Water Bugs come with a surprising 599 levels of challenges. But still the size of the game is less then 10 MB. And its highly graphical, colorful, attractive and animated interface makes it an addictive game. And if you don’t believe then you can see the screenshots of the game. To play the game you do not require learning anything before you start play, n so anybody can play this game very easily. The target of the game on each level is to make water bugs free. On east level you will have limited shots to make water bugs free and in the starting you will get 7 chances. You required to protect your shots from bugs, if any bug hits to your shot then you will lost one life and you will also get less score and bonus points. To complete each level you required to make minimum 85% water bugs free whether bugs remain in the remaining water or not. And if you complete a stage in less time and in few shots then you will get more scores and bonus points. On killing bugs you will also get some extra benefits like Slow motion, fast Shots, and magnets etc.
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